cough coughs
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Chatted to Brenda, Tammy, Bich, Helen, Ellemyy, Johnny, Brian (TVB), Diana (TVB), Reeve (TVB), Selina (TVB) on MSN today.
LOL! I wrote 'My dad said Raymond is ugly!! D; so offended...' and everyone started LOLing on my MSN and yeah. was funny!
I'm feeling quite good today although im still feeling sick! ):
Freakn Bich! She called me on my mobile out of no where and it scared the shiet outta me since her voice was so LOW and sounded like a man. Hahaha. LOL! So funny but random of her and we didnt chat about anything much. It was around 10 mins?! I think...
Watched Raymond's LGW concert for the 14th time! Hahahs. Still NOT bored of it!! I really like it. Sansan/Sandy from the Raymond Lam forum just made me a Raymond Lam banner for my other TVB blog! Hhehe..i cant wait to put it up! It's really pretty! ;D
Im currently getting this cartoon movie dubbed by Raymond, Bosco and Kate off Diana on MSN! Hopefully it works cos it's quite and and it might take a while. Hhmn.
My bro arrived in the US early this morning. I forgot to say that he is going to the US for one month. He might come back with an ipod touch or iphone for me! Yays! (:
My sister is staying for the night today. Gotta pack my room up right now.